Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Long week

Last week was a tough one, from Tuesday on. A co worker's daughter was killed in a car accident Monday night, which we found out about on Tuesday. It was a sad, sad week, ending with the service on Friday night. It's getting very stressful with the project I'm working on, too, so I was just glad to make it through the week.

I went into the Weight Watchers meeting Monday night expecting a gain, since working out and running just wasn't happening like it should. Luckily I was down 1.6 lbs, so now I've lost 15.8 lbs. What's really rewarding is that I'm under 170 lbs for the first time in I'd guess at least 3 years. My clothes are starting to become annoyingly loose, but I'm still not quite small enough that Id' feel comfortable going down a size. Plus, I really don't want to buy clothes until I feel like I've "earned" it. I do have a few things I bought last week a couple sizes down, so hopefully I'll be in them soon.

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