Saturday, March 3, 2012

Coming out of my running/tracking funk

I've been struggling for the last couple of weeks to find my happy place, in just about every aspect of my life. I think it started when my dad had a small heart attack just a little bit over two weeks ago. I was so incredibly scared at the thought of losing him, and it threw me completely off-kilter. Luckily he's recovered very well, and didn't have to have surgery.

I felt like I had lost any control I had in my life. I know that essentially I'm not the one calling the shots, but I come face-to-face with that reality was rough. After all of that I just shut down - I stopped running except for a couple of runs early on, stopped tracking what ate, and didn't focus on eating the things that were good for me. I went for whatever was easiest, and I could feel how it was figuratively and literally weighing me down.

But today I'm back on track! I weighed in at my Weight Watchers location, and was happy to find out I hadn't gained any weight. And even though it was cold and a bit icy this morning, I still got out for a great run with wonderful women. It was wonderful that my friend Lesley joined us today. I'm so excited for her to run her first Half Marathon this fall. I know it's a huge step to sign up and commit to the Half, and it'll be wonderful to share this with her. Of course, first I have to survive the Half I'm running in May!


  1. Praying for your Dad!!! And so good to hear you are back on track...we all have those funks. Been in a bit of one myself! xoxo!

  2. Thanks so much Michelle! And lots of prayers headed your way, too...I can only imagine what you're going through.
