Monday, February 3, 2014

How is it already February???

So I thought 2013 went by really appears that 2014 is on the same track! Sadly the weather seems stuck in January, though. It's still super-cold (although I think I'm getting a little loony...22 felt warm), and it snowed on Saturday and it's supposed to snow again tomorrow/Wednesday.

I had a wonderful run through the snow yesterday on the trails at Fabyan East with some of my awesome running friends. Pat L. is so great at scheduling winter trail runs, and I really wanted to get out for some fresh air. Luckily Chad agreed to take the kids to church, so I was able to meet up with the crew.

I only did about 2.7 miles, but it felt like at least double that with running through several inches of snow at times. And my hip/hamstring have confirmed that today! I was sore after sitting at work, so decided to take tonight off from working out. I'm happy with the five days I got in last week, but I'm going to have to start running a lot more....those half marathons I want to do won't run themselves!

On a weight note - only down 0.4 lbs, but as Chad said it's down instead of up. I did indulge in a couple of cookies last night at a Super Bowl party, but the rest of the week went really well food-wise. Gotta love being a woman ;-). I'm planning on 4-5 days of workouts, and want to hopefully get out for at least three decent runs. Let's hope the snowstorms stay away!


  1. Replies
    1. done with it! If it was snowy and upper 20s, I could deal. But one more day of single digits may push me over the edge.
