I have not been good about updating this blog. I figure this isn't a huge draw, and I don't think anyone but me is reading this. And that's okay. Because today I realized that I need to do this for me. If I end up inspiring someone, great! If not, then I know I have some spot where I can keep the thoughts jumbling my mind.
Right now my weight loss is going much better than I thought I would ever do. As of this morning, I'm down a total of 34.2 lbs....an amount I never thought I'd be able to hit. I have never, ever lost that much - even after the births of all three of the boys. I didn't even gain that much when I was pregnant with them, so this is new territory for me. It does feel great to lose this much, but I know I still have a long way to go.
My running, however, is another story. I was doing so well with my Couch 2 5K, but when I hit Week 6, I just threw in the towel. Well, that's not entirely true. However, I didn't keep up my running like I should have done. And that is when my weight loss pretty much stalled.
Luckily Dick Pond Running here in St. Charles has a wonderful Walk2Run program! It meets on Monday nights, and l decided it was worth switching my Weight Watchers meetings to Saturday mornings so I could attend. Like Weight Watchers, I needed a running program that would keep me accountable. So I signed up to attend, and now I am so glad I did! I love the group running aspect...especially when I find people that are going at my pace.
I've found out about a term for slow runners coined by John Bingham - we are penguins. That sums me up nicely. I waddle along at my pace that isn't going to shatter any records (unless there is one for the slowest mile!), but it's a much faster pace than sitting on the couch.
Through finding out about John Bingham, I was also led to one of his books - Running for Mortals: A Commonsense Plan for Changing Your Life With Running. I highly recommend this book for anyone who is thinking about starting up a running plan. One of his quotes from the book really spoke to me: "The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start."
This sums up everything that I'm doing with my life now. I think I had been too scared in the past of failing to ever start any sort of weight loss or exercise plan. Now that I'm in the thick of this, I will see everything through and give it my best. Because at the end of the day, that's all any of us can do.
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