Whew....I took "Fat Tuesday" a little bit to literally today! One of my coworkers brought in paczki to the office today, and I indulged in one. I actually couldn't even eat all of it, which was a slight blessing. And wow - it was good!!! But this fried dough (filled with chocolate...and topped with chocolate....) pretty much capped off about 10 days of poor diet choices.
It started with the Super Bowl. We had fried chicken, mashed potatoes, veggies and yummy yeast rolls. Not exactly typical football-watching fare, but still pretty darn good. Then Chad kept baking cookies and brownies. Of course I don't want to be rude, so I had to eat them...and lots of them. Oh - this was all rounded out by the three boxes of Girl Scout cookies. Sadly the boys don't really like them, so that left it to me to eat them up. Yeah....they're all gone now.
On top of the bad eating, I just haven't been active at all recently. I can't even entirely blame it on the weather, since we didn't get slammed with 2+ feet of snow like the East Coast. I tweaked my ankle Friday night, so I missed out on running with some friends. Then I jacked up my tailbone when I went sledding with the boys on Saturday. It rained all day Sunday, and I spent that day plus Monday icing my ass....good times. Luckily it feels less painful today, so I'm going to make myself go out tomorrow for at least a couple of miles.
I decided that I'm giving up chocolate for Lent, plus re-committing to eating healthy and exercising. I stopped at the store tonight and picked up apples, bananas, clementines (one of my favorites!), green and red peppers, and mushrooms. I made an omelet-to-go recipe I found on Pinterest, and loaded it up with diced veggies and a tiny sprinkle of cheese. It made a dozen, so hopefully they taste okay! Now I really have no excuse to grab crap - which, luckily, isn't a problem in the mornings - and will get my veggies in early in the day.
So now I refocus...I have big plans for this spring, summer and fall with running, so I need to set a good healthy base now. I can't guarantee I won't indulge every now and then, but at least I have the tools and drive to get back on track.